Galardoth Crest
Region Number 63B
Realm Kingdom of Mularuhm
Population 94,000
Resources Discordian Deeprock, Giant Spiders
Imports Oozes
Religion Animism


The natives of Galardoth live in a series of caves known to the dwarves as the Starlit Caverns. While the light from the stars doesn’t reach these caves, the bioluminescence of the natives originally made it appear as though the cavern had no ceiling.

Nearby, in the Groreven Gorge, the giant spiders of the region make their home. The Gorge itself is a deep ravine under the earth and as of yet no Dwarf has dared venture down past the great webbed nests of the spiders.

Finally, in the Adaep Deep, dwarven scouts have found signs of Discordian Deeprock. This area, deep underground appears to have once been mined, though long since forgotten. The Dwarves of Mularuhm have worked steadily to bring it back as a mining hub in the region.


In addition to a negligible number of dwarven colonizers, Galardoth is home to bat-like natives. They live in upside down towns throughout the vast Starlit Caverns. While their hearing is excellent, they communicate through bioluminescence. Their wings are capable of incredibly intricate displays, most of which appear as white spots across their wings (though to the bats, they may appear differently. The Dwarves refer to the bats as Kroi.

As of yet the Dwarves have only developed limited communication with the Kroi, though the two have lived together peacefully so far. The Dwarves are largely ignored by the Kroi, though it was noted by some Asterith Dwarves that they expressed a keen interest in the Ooozes brought with some of the miners and consumed them ravenously when offered. As such most Dwarves who travel to Galardoth carry some amount of the oozes to offer as a sign of friendship to the natives.


Discordian Deeprock is found in the Adaep Deep, and is useful in both smithing and alchemy. Giant Spiders live in Groreven Gorge. In addition to their poison and web, dwarven scholars believe they may be able to be trained and ridden.

The Kroi seem to greatly enjoy consuming Oozes though official shipments from Asterith have not been started.


The Kroi seem to practice a form of animism, though the exact details of their religion and civilization are not known to outsiders due to a communication barrier.


