Qarimos Crest
Region Number 12
Realm Royal Council of Raaneka
Population 143,000
Resources Lumber, Spices, Elephants, Ships
Religion Radurja


Glass Hills

Glass Hills

Hark now, ye listeners gathered near, to tales of windswept adventure, of the ancient bond of blood, of memories long-hidden in the mists of time. Such was the song of Qarimos by the sea, an ancient land of sun-parched plains, where majestic beasts walked abroad, and where ancestral ties brought those long-sundered closer together.

Flower Lakes

Flower Lakes

Those dry lands to the south, where no tree could be found, they were full to bursting with treasures and wonders alike. The Glass Hills rose in jagged terror betwixt Qarimos and the Berrylands of Raaneka, an ancient scar of mighty battles. So say the legends. And high in the barren land, what traveler would not marvel at the Flower Lakes, inconstant jewels upon that scrubby plain, that wax in rain, and vanish in sunshine, and burst with their namesake but once each year?

But first of all the treasures of Qarimos was Stormgate, relic island of their mythic past. When the Sea People came from the depths, they took that island for their colony and their bulwark against this new world above. There they met the ancient Raaneki of old, and made a new people. Their doughty spirits guard that sacred island still, against all who would profane their puissant memory.


Tikta Satato, Prince of Raaneka, was ever a seeker of unseen shores and unthought wisdom. It was this spirit-fire that sent him on his quest, a quest to learn what he could of the people that became the Raaneki. It was this spirit-fire that uncovered a link with the folk of the sea. The ancient Raaneki spread south into the lands of Qarimos, and there met the Sea People and made a new kindred, Il-poplu Tal-bahar in their own tongue.



And in the harbors of cosmopolitan Melytis, long rival of princely Qarta in the Glass Hills, who could gaze at Raaneki and Qarimosi together and not find semblance? Though the sea’s bounty did make its people taller, and the Raaneki had hair in many strange colors, still the same flash of the eye, the same olive flesh! The tongue of the sea folk rolled like the tide. Raaneki twisted like vines upon a trellis, yet even here there was kinship. Long sundered, they welcomed each other as brothers and sisters.


When the Sea People came up from the ocean deep, in the days before they had news of other races abroad, they saw the beasts and bounties of this world and gazed upon their spirits, aided by their gift of watersight. They passed this wisdom to their children and their children’s children, though their lineage lost the watersight in time. The Qarimosi were left with tales without vision. The tales remained but dwindled in reverence. As sure as tide returns, so too did spirit worship ebb and flow by age and by hearth. Each man and woman came to the spirits alone, and many did not speak of it.


Though the land was barren and Qarimos had need of lumber, there were yet things for which they might trade abroad. Most plentiful of these were its potent spices, gathered from the shrubs of the high plains and the harvest of the tides. They garnished food and strengthened drink, and some were burned in rites to the spirits. Grander than these were the elephants, which grazed from the high plains to the southern lowlands by the shore. Prized as beasts of burden and war, with peerless ivory to reap from their bones.

Greatest in the eyes of the Qarimosi, though, were their seaborn ships. Keen of prow and shaped of timbers as dark as night, they smote upon the waters with grace. Their sails were colored in the fashion of their use, white for royalty, yellow for trade, red for acts of war. These snared the winds and sped the ships with power and agility. Their holds were wide and deep, for long exploration and heavy trade. Their weapons were many, for red war and black death.
